21 September 2009

Today is tomorrow...

Wrote this yesterday and it makes perfect sense.

The expression "today... is tomorrow" is used by Bill Murray's character in "Groundhog Day" when he finally comes through the night to see 6:01am the next day.

I feel like writting again.
I feel restless again.
Enter music.
Enter words.

"I bought the tickets and chose the seats
Two by two, we sat, all perfect fits
I had her in sight
Holded her hand tight
The film's quality, subpar
We were to become not what we are

A long time ago I was dubbed the mogwai
Few came to know and fewer knew why
She could lose my sight
Never fed me after midnight
It became a nick, an avatar
Less than what it once was, by far

I chose the life I have... and have had
Not the same as there and then
Nostalgic, yet not sad
I know now it was bound to end

          by Hyug, just now

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20 September 2009

Good habits back in the agenda

After a 2-year hiatus, Catholic School will be in the weekly agenda. Some new ideas will be explored and some interesting storied will be shared (or so I think/say).

In terms of catholic school, one of the biggest events in the XX Century was the Second Vatican Council where Pope John XXIII began to, in my words, give the Church to his Church (well, it makes sense, as church means community).

Actually, the Second Vatican Council spanned over three years (September 1962 ~ December 1965) and was closed by Pope Paul VI. Incidently, in that great meeting one could find all the men that were to become Pope until today: Bishops Albino Luciani (Pope John Paul I), Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) and Father Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), present as a theological consultant.

Generally, the Council was an overhaul of the way the Church conducted itself and celebrated the liturgy, so that she would be more accessible to the people (if you ask your parent, they may still remember when masses were said in Latin with the priest facing the altar but not the gathered assembly). Therefore, the subject was not just any given element of the Church, but rather the entire Church. This was no small undertaking, and by the time it was over, it spawned four Constitutions, nine Decrees, and three Declarations.

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