04 November 2006

Two more rest days (pt.1)

Travelling to a small cottage near Portalegre, we'll have (we're having) a weekend of relax, pure relax.

Time is standing still, until sunday at least.

03 November 2006

Gift wrapping

The project is complete.
It just needs giftwrapping.

It's been a few months since I'm involved and I feel it's done. But there's always some new "must add", "must change" or "must redesign". It has been an ongoing process for a few weeks now.

I could use some help from the man next door.

02 November 2006

Back in the saddle

After a rest day, it feels ok to return to work. There are a lot of projects going on and I can feel that good things are coming.

Not only regarding work.
Duh !...

01 November 2006

Rest day

I had a zillion things to do today.
But I needed a rest, and I took it.

31 October 2006

I am singing...

I have a concert tonight.
This is the second time I'll be joining the choir for a live performance, and this will be in an important venue, an important event for us.

I woke up a little after 4am (dropping someone at the airport), and after a full day work, I'll be onstage at 9:30pm signing a repertoire of old and new fado (a typical portuguese musical style), but mainly supporting leading artists in their performances.


A show for the fans, I'd say.

30 October 2006

She is going...

She is going to Germany. The club she cheers for is playing the german powerhouse Bayern Munchen and she's going to attend the game at the Allianz Arena.

They are the underdogs as they lost at home a fortnight ago (an unfair 0-1). But this is another game and everything can happen... my guess is that they will win 15-0 (I know this is not tennis), or like a well know portuguese comedian would say "quinje-a-jero" !!!

Some pictures of the venue:

glowing in the dark


in the daylight

a light in the dark

the home team's color

similar to a ufo

Click here to see this last picture in full size.

Minor detail... tomorrow, I will have to wake up at 4am to take her to the airport... yawn!

And I won't be able to watch the game myself.
Why ?!... Check tomorrow's article.

29 October 2006


Since I decided to get stronger and fitter (last April), I've been working hard for it. In the gym, no machines, no muscle growing, only cardio-fitness... cycling, skiing, walking and running.

The results are there... I mean here.
Today, I had proof of that.