14 November 2005

Clearly out... and clearly in !!!

We parted ways with our male vocalist.
And this just happened because he left himself behind... he didn't keep the pace (not that our pace is that high). His priorities were others. For some time now, he's been clearly out... on his own account.

Musically speaking, he was clearly an added-value asset to the band, as his wide ranged vocals and talent allowed us to explore new sounds and gave Rita more space to improvise and freedom to try new things.

On the other hand, Luigi, being clearly inside the band, is going to be in another continent for the upcoming 6 months and, therefore, not rehearsing with the rest of us. We've found a replacement for the time being... a good friend of ours, who incidently can use the sticks properly as well. And he's going to play live with us as we don't intend to be on stand-by despite Luigi's temporary demisal. He'll be back...

Not that much poetry here, then.
Basically facts.