16 May 2006

Best album (pt.3) - The Waterboys, Room To Roam

I was going away for the weekend, camping... inside my dear friend's Fiat, a tape was playing and the sound was definately adventurous and irish. waterboys, room to roamMike Scott's voice became there and then a reference, for I only know him as the guy who sang "The Whole Of The Moon".

The weekend soon passed and I immediately dove into a record store to find the album... and hearing the first sounds and listening to "Where will I wander and wander ?... Nobody knows..." kept me glued to the speakers until the last sounds of "Further Up, Further In".

Incidently, the album back cover has an error as "Kaliope House" is stated as the fourth song, when in fact it's on the end of the record/CD.

That weekend, I also decided to pick up David Byrne's (then) latest album, Uh-Oh. Two strange decisions for a guitar addict.


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