08 March 2006

Recording Session (pt.1)

Do we need help ?
Yesterday night, the matter of recording a demo was further developed.

Our thanks to Mr.G, who made it all possible.

The balance between the clean and distorted sound of the guitar of very good; but also it was thick; my guitar processor delivers a good sound but it's somewhat difficult to edit (no "jog-wheel", only "up" & "down" buttons), but it's good to know that most of the work has paid off.

The voice was crystal clear, without effects added.
I said it before and I'll say it again, the girl should scream her lungs out because she has voice enought to deliver any feeling you want. It's in her grasp, but she has to do something to make it happen.

The bass was regular, a little opaque.
No fault of the mixing board; the sound was from a "speaker emulator" output and not from a real microphone, which says it all.

The drums were pretty nice. Even sound, clear (except for the last song where we could hear the bass drum louder than the bass guitar... but that was a detail, easy to correct).

I liked it. A lot.
Have I thanked Mr.G before ?!...
If not, here it goes: Thank you, Mr.G !!!


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