10 January 2006

Who do we/they choose to be ?

Nowadays, it's difficult to decide.
More, it's difficult to decode.

Do we/they choose to be competent/skilled on some subject/issue/matter or do we/they prefer to be regarded as so ?... Are we/they wearing the suit, white shirt and tie for that piece of credibility ?... Because, when a negotiation/meeting/fight is on the horizon, we/they do reveal our/their true nature. And it rarely has something to do with politeness, knowledge or any other "honorable" ability.

The "fabulous four" from Liverpool had something to say on this regard:

"Have you see the little piggies
crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt
to play around in

Have you see the bigger piggies
In their starched white shirts
You will find the bigger piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Always have clean shirts
to play around in...

          - The Beatles, in "Piggies"


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