03 June 2010


These words are about people turning other people into gods, simply because they like their iconic existence.

Angel, by Luis Royo

People can be good. Not god.
People can be angels in our lives, but they're flesh and blood, as we are. And once we know them, we see how human they/we are.

"You don't fear what you don't undestand,
You don't tread the land.
Words don't apply, chapters unfold,
You don't walk this world.
One can only see,
One may even feel,
More is to be shown,
Than what you conceal.

(You) don't decide what will go or what may stand,
You need my helping hand.
A species untold, an unknow breed,
You may be the seed.
I can only see,
And maybe even feel,
The whole of you is unknown,
And yet you are real.


And as you tiptoe the ground,
Your divinity vanishes and you are an angel no more.

- in "Tiptoe", by Hyug Badox

Luis Royo is one of the most talented artists I've ever came to know... he is especially gifted in descibing/drawing women from an outsite point of view (whereas the inside will remain a mistery for ages to come).

I started to write something last month and was challenged today to show something... I turned to my lyrics drafts and wrote a few more words. When I re-read the word "angel", I instantly remembered Royo's art.



Anonymous Alberto Casadei blogged:

this is a beautiful concept, and I can recognize some past experiences into it somehow, you are really good at writing, have you already registered something? if yes, let me know :)

12:13 am  
Blogger Hugo Salvado blogged:

Thanks for your kind words, Alberto.

I haven't turned these writtings into songs yet, but I register them, because of copyright protection.

10:02 pm  

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