27 December 2007


Throughout times, power (and greed) have created more than one monster... it has happened in places such as Germany, Zaire, Portugal, Uganda, Pakistan, Colombia, United States of America, Venezuela, etc.

What happened in Pakhistan today is a proof of that.

Incidently, although Benazir Bhutto's death/assassination was somehow unexpected at this point (as she had stated a few months ago, when she, before a first attempt against her life was made while she safely inside an amour vehicle, talked openly and recalled that such an attempt against a woman is considered an act against God), her obituary will have some things in common with the ones of her father and two brothers... extreme violence.

But, in fact, she felt her life was in danger. And knew who to blame in the event of her death. But he went on with his plan and muerdered her !...

Why, monster ?

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