01 October 2006

First day

The first day of the new month.

This October will serve as a soothing period (I'll soon be having some holidays) as I'm focusing on the upcoming year. It will be fruitful/eventful, the way I see it. And I'm really motivating the ones around me as this is only "doable" with the energy of all. Of course, it begins with me being motivated.

I must add that some of the motivating has been silent, as I don't want anyone to focus on my goals. I want this to be transparent as I'm reaching a new level of energy and I want to make it there and stay there. So, this has to happen with consent from others, but also without notice.

In all, this is the first day.

When everything is really different, this first day happens, never repeating itself.

And every day can be a first day.
And good things will happen then. I mean now.


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